
Email me at if you are interested in reading any of my publications.

News Articles

3. Wearable Tech Could Prevent Work Accidents

2. Good vibes: Research finds benefits of wearable tech device that vibrates to warn of hazards

1. Modeling Safety: BIM and Construction Research May Help Prevent Injuries and Save Lives

Journal Articles * indicates the corresponding author. (impact factor based on JCR 2021)

41. Jia, L.*, Park, J., Zhu, M., Jiang, Y., Teng, H., (2025) “Evaluation of On-Vehicle Bone-Conduct Acoustic Emission Detection for Rail Defects.” Journal of Transportation Technologies,

40. Ray, U. *, Arteaga, C. *, Park, J., (2025). “Unveiling the Untapped Potential: Leveraging Accident Narratives for Enhanced Construction Safety Management.” Journal of Management in Engineering (In Production)

39. Ray, U. *, Arteaga, C. *, Ahn, Y., Park, J., (2024).  “Enhanced Identification of Equipment Failures from Descriptive Accident Reports Using Language Generative Model.” Journal of Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management,

38. Khoshakhlagh, A. H., Malakoutikhah, M., Park, J., Kodnoueieh, M. D., Boroujeni, Z. R., Bahrami, M., & Ramezani, F. (2024). “Unveiling the Impact of Siren Noise Exposure on Cognitive Function and Mental Health among Firefighters.” Scientific Reports,

37. Arteaga, C. *,  Park, J., (2025) “A Large Language Model Framework to Uncover Underreporting in Traffic Crashes.” Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 92, Page 1-13;

36. Khoshakhlagh, A. H., Malakoutikhah, M., Park, J., Kodnoueieh, M. D., Boroujeni, Z. R., Bahrami, M., & Ramezani, F., (2024). “Assessing personal protective equipment usage and its correlation with knowledge, attitudes, performance, and safety culture among workers in small and medium-sized enterprises.” BMC Public Health, 24(1), 1987.

35. Ahmed, N., Park, J., Arteaga, C., and Stephen, H., “Investigation of Progressive Learning within a Statics Course: An Analysis of Performance Retention, Critical Topics, and Active Participation.” Educ. Sci. 2023, 13(6), 576;

34. Khoshakhlagh, A.,Sulaie, S., Yazdanirad, S., and Park, J. (2023). “Examining the effect of safety climate on accident risk through job stress: a path analysis.” BMC Psychology, volume 11, Article number: 89

33. Khodabandelu, A.*, Park, J., (2023). “Improving multi-tower crane layout planning by leveraging operational flexibility related to motion paths.” Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 39, Issue 5,

32. Sharma, S., Park, J. and Morris, B.T., (2023). “Immersive security personnel training module for active shooter events.” Electronic Imaging, 35(12), pp.217-1.

31. Arteaga, C. *, Park, J., Morris, B., Sharma, S., (2023). “Effect of trained evacuation leaders on victims’ safety during an active shooter incident.” Safety Science, vol. 158, (JCR Impact: 6.392)

30. Lee, S., Jung, Y., Park, J., Jang, S., (2022). “Temperature Detectable Surface Coating with Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Composites.”  Nanomaterials 2022, 12(14), 2369, (JCR Impact: 5.719)

29. Hossen, S. *, Trabia, M., Morris, B., Arteaga, C. *, Park, J., Paz, A, (2022). “Evaluation of Demand Responsive Transverse Rumble Strip Effects on Drivers’ Behavioral Changes as Traffic Calming Device.”  Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, vol. 148 Issue 11,

28. Arteaga, C., Park, J., Beeramoole, P., Paz, A., (2022). “xlogit: An Open-Source Python Package for GPU-Accelerated Estimation of Mixed Logit Models.” Journal of Choice Modelling, (JCR Impact: 4.164)

27. Sakhakarmi, S., Park, J., (2022) “Improved Intrusion Accident Management Using Haptic Signals in Roadway Work Zone.” Journal of Safety Research. (JCR Impact: 4.264)

26. Khodabandelu, A., Park, J.*, (2021) “Agent-based modeling and simulation in construction.” Automation in ConstructionVol. 131, Nov. 2021, 103882, (JCR Impact: 7.700)

25. Cho, C., Long L. T., Park, J, Jang, S., (2021) “A Multi-physics Informed Antenna Sensor Model through the Deep Neural Network Regression,” Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal, Techno Press, 2021, Vol. 28, Issue (3), P. 355-362; 

24. Sakhakarmi, S., Park, J., Singh, A., (2021). “Tactile-based Wearable System for Improved Hazard Perception of Worker and Equipment Collision.” Automation in Construction. vol. 125,  (JCR Impact: 10.516)

23. Nnaji, C., Awolusi, I., Park, J., Albert, A., (2021) “Wearable Sensing Devices: Towards the Development of a Personalized System for Construction Safety and Health Risk Mitigation,” Sensors, Basel, 21(3), 2527, (JCR Impact: 3.576) (click for full text ) (JCR Impact: 3.847)

22. Arteaga, C., Paz, A., Park, J., (2020) “Injury severity on traffic crashes: A text mining with an interpretable machine-learning approach,” Journal of Safety Science, (JCR Impact: 6.392)

21. Cho, C., Park, J., Kim, K, (2020) “Framework for Automated Generation of Constructible Steel Erection Sequences using Structural Information of Static Indeterminacy Variation in BIM,” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (JCR Impact: 2.115)

20. Khodabandelu, A., Park, J.*, Arteaga, C., (2020) “Crane operation planning in overlapping areas through dynamic supply selection.” Automation in ConstructionVol. 117, Sep. 2020, 103253, (JCR Impact: 10.516)

19. Sakhakarmi, S., Park, J.*, (2020). “Multi-level Phase Deep-learning Using Divide-and-conquer for Scaffolding Safety.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Publish Healthspecial issue in Occupational Safety and Risks in Construction, 2020, 17(7), 2391, (JCR Impact: 4.614)

18. Arteaga, C., Park, J.*, (2020) “Building design and its effect on evacuation efficiency and casualty levels during an indoor active shooter incident.” Journal of Safety Science, (JCR Impact: 6.392)

17. Hossen, S., Kappes, C., Trabia, M., Morris, B., Park, J., and Paz, A., (2019) “Design and Preliminary Testing of Demand-Responsive Transverse Rumble Strips.” Advances in Mechanical Engineering, (JCR Impact: 1.566) (click for full text)

16. Sakhakarmi, S., Arteaga, C., and Park, J.*, Cho, C., (2019) “Automated Scaffolding Safety Analysis: Strain Feature Investigation using Support Vector Machines.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, (JCR Impact: 1.771)

15. Sakhakarmi, S. and Park, J.*, (2019) “Investigation on Tactile Sensory System Configuration for Construction Hazard Perception.” Sensors, Basel, 19(11), 2527,  (JCR Impact: 3.847) (click for full text )

14. Cho, C., Park, J.,* Sakhakarmi, S., (2019) “Emergency Response: Effect of Human Detection Resolution on Risks during Indoor Mass Shooting Events.” Journal of Safety Science, (JCR Impact: 6.392)

13. Sakhakarmi, S., Park, J., Cho, C.*, (2018) “Enhanced Machine Learning Classification Accuracy for Scaffolding Safety Using Increased Features.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001601 (JCR Impact: 3.951)

12. Park, J.*, Cho, Y. K., and Khodabandely, A., (2018) “Sensor-Based Safety Performance Assessment of Individual Construction Workers.” Sensors, Basel, doi:10.3390/s18113897.  (JCR Impact: 3.847) (click for full text )

11. Cho, C., Park, J.*, Kim, K., (2018) “Automated and Optimized Sensor Deployment Using Building Models and Electromagnetic Simulation.” KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (JCR Impact: 2.115)

10. Cho, C., Park, J.*,(2018) “An embedded sensory system for worker safety: Prototype development and evaluation.” Sensors, Basel, doi: 10.3390/s18041200. (JCR Impact: 3.847) (click for full text )

9. Cho, C., Kim, K., Park, J.*, Cho, Y. K., (2018) “Data-Driven Monitoring System for Preventing the Collapse of Scaffolding Structures.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001535. (JCR Impact: 3.951)

8. Cho, C., Park, J.*, Kim, K., (2018) “Energy Loss in Cement-based Materials for Efficient Sensor Deployment at a Site.” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 1139/cjce-2017-0406. (JCR Impact: 1.771)

7. Park, J., Yang, X., Cho, Y.K.* and Seo, J., (2017) “Improving dynamic proximity sensing and processing for smart work-zone safety.” Automation in Construction84, pp.111-120, doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2017.08.025. (JCR Impact: 10.516)

6. Park, J., Cho, Y.K.*, (2017) “Development and Evaluation of a Probabilistic Local Search Algorithm for Complex Dynamic Indoor Construction Sites.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering31(4), p.04017015, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000658. (JCR Impact: 5.802)

5. Park, J., Chen, J., Cho, Y.*, (2017) “Self-Corrective Knowledge-based Hybrid Tracking System Using BIM and Multimodal Sensors,” Journal of Advanced Engineering Informatics, 32, pp. 126-138, doi: 10.1016/j.aei.2017.02.001. (JCR Impact: 7.862)

4. Park, J., Kim, K., Cho, Y.*, (2016) “Framework of Automated Construction-Safety Monitoring using Cloud-enabled BIM and BLE Mobile Tracking Sensors,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 143(2), p.05016019, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001223. (JCR Impact: 3.951)

3. Park, J., Cho, Y.*, Martinez, D., (2015) “A BIM and UWB integrated Mobile Robot Navigation System for Indoor Position Tracking Applications,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, Vol. 6, Issue 2., pp. 30-39, doi: 10.6106/JCEPM.2016.6.2.030 (click for full text )

2. Park, J., Marks E., Cho, Y.*, Suryanto, W., (2015) “Performance Test of Wireless Technologies for Personnel and Equipment Proximity Sensing in Work Zones,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 142(1), p. 04015049, (JCR Impact: 3.951)

1. Park, J., Cho, Y.*, Wang, C., (2015) “Analytic Hierarchical Procedure and Economic Analysis of Pneumatic Pavement Crack Cleaning Method,” Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, Vol. 5, Issue 2., pp. 44-52, doi: 10.6106/JCEPM.2015.5.2.044. (click for full text )

Conference Articles

47. Khodabandelu A.*, Park, J., Ray, U.*, “Applications of Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) in Planning and Design of Built Environments,” The 10th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Jul. 29-Aug.1, 2024, Sapporo, Japan

46. Alvarez, L.*, Ghimire, M.,*, Park, J., “Effect of Missing Data on Machine-Learning Algorithms for Real-time Safety Monitoring in Scaffolds,” Proceedings of the 41st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), June 3-5, 2024, Lille, France.

45. Ray, U.*, Arteaga, C.*, Park, J., “Comparative Analysis of Cognitive Agreement between Human Analysts and Generative AI in Construction Safety Risk Assessment,” Proceedings of the 41st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), June 3-5, 2024, Lille, France.

44. Arteaga, C.*, Park, J., “Extraction of Traffic Crash Locations from Text Narratives: A Zero-Shot Approach Using Large Language Models,” 12th International Project Management Association (IPMA) Research Conference “Project Management in the Age of Artificial Intelligence,” April 19-21, 2024, College Park, Maryland.

43. Cristian, A. *, Park, J., “Deep learning and clustering-based analysis of text narratives for identification of traffic crash severity contributors,” Engineering Proceedings of of the Second International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Constructed Infrastructure Facilities, Honolulu, HI, August 2023

42. Khodabandelu, A. *, Park, J., Ray, U., Arteaga, C., “A Generic Safety and Efficiency Oriented Platform for Managing Equipment Operations on Construction Sites,” 2023 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Corvallis, Oregon, June 2023

41. Khodabandelu, A. *, Park, J., Ray, U., Arteaga, C., “Improving Multi-Crane Operations in Congested Urban Areas via Simulation of Overlapping Areas,” 2023 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Corvallis, Oregon, June 2023

40. Arteaga, C. *, Park, J., Paz, A., “Enhanced Identification of Crash Severity Contributors from Text Narratives Using Natural Language Processing,” The 2023 TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 8-12 January 2023.

39. Ahmed, N., Park, J., Morris, B., (2022). Generating a Simplistic 3D Model for Mobile Platform Applications, Proceeding of the 2022 International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 20-23 June 2022.

38. Khodabandelu, A., Park, J., Kheyrandish, S., (2022). An Agent-Based Framework for Investigating Safety-Productivity Tradeoff of Construction Laborers Considering Risk-taking Behavioral Heterogeneity, Proceeding of the 2022 International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 20-23 June 2022.

37. Khodabandelu, A., Park, J., Choi, J., Sanei, M., (2022). Analysis of a Long Volumetric Module Lift Using Single and Multiple Cranes, Proceeding of the 2022 International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 20-23 June 2022.

36. Shrestha B., Park, J., Shrestha, P., (2022). Factors that Impact Construction Workers’ Hazard Recognition Ability and their Technological Solutions, Proceeding of the 2022 International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 20-23 June 2022.

35. Khodabandelu, A., Park, J., (2022). Applications of Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) in Enhancing Facility Operation and Management, Proceeding of the 2022 International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 20-23 June 2022.

34. Khodabandelu, A., Park, J., “Integrating BIM and ABS for Multi-Cranes Operation Planning through Enabling Safe Concurrent Operations,” The 2021 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Sep. 12-14, 2021

33. Khodabandelu, A., Park, J., “An Agent-Based Model for Construction Material Management through a Non-Homogeneous Storage System,” The 2021 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Sep. 12-14, 2021

32. Saher, R., Stephen, H., Park, J., Cristian, A., “the Role of Prior Knowledge in the Performance of Engineering Students,” 2021 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, July 26-29, 2021

31. Hossen, S., Kappes, C., Trabia, M., Morris, B., Park, J., Paz, A, “Comparison of in-vehicle Noise and Vibration Levels for Demand Responsive Transverse Rumble Strips and Traditional Transverse Rumble Strip,” International Road Federal Global Road Conference, Virtual Conference, November 10-13, 2020.

30. Sakhakarmi, S., Park, J., “Wearable Tactile System for Improved Hazard Perception in Construction Sites,” Construction Research Congress, Tempe, Arizona, March 8-10, 2020.,

29. Khodabandelu, A., Choi, J., Park, J., Sanei, M., “Developing a Simulation Model for Lifting a Modular House,” Construction Research Congress, Tempe, Arizona, March 8-10, 2020.,

28. Sakhakarmi, S., Arteaga, C., Cho, , Park, J., “Scaffold Safety Analysis: Focusing on Deep Learning,” Construction Research Congress, Tempe, Arizona, March 8-10, 2020.,

27. Sakhakarmi, S., Cho, , Park, J., “Scaffold Safety Analysis: Focusing on Divide-and-Conquer Method,” Construction Research Congress, Tempe, Arizona, March 8-10, 2020.,

26. Jia, L., Sherman, R., Park, J., Jiang, Y., Teng, H., “Rail Defect Detection Technology: A Review of the Current Methods and an Acoustic Based Method Proposed for High-Speed-Rail,” International Road Federation Global Road Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Nov. 19-22, 2019.  

25. Falkensammer, L., Sherman, R., Park, J., Kalkan, E., Martin, T., “Galena Creek Bridge: Structural-health Monitoring, Instrumentation and Finite-element Modeling,” International Road Federation Global Road Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Nov. 19-22, 2019.   

24. Park, J., Arteaga C., “Human Responses of Emergency Evacuation Using Agent-Based Modeling,” The 2019 International Conference on Smart Cities, July 17-19, 2019

23. Sakhakarmi, S., Park, J., Cho, C., “Prototype Development of a Tactile Sensing System for Improved Worker Safety Perception,” The 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-19, 2019,

22. Park, J., Yang, X., Sakhakarmi, S., Cho, Y. K. “Parameter Adjustment Function for Bluetooth Low Energy Sensors in Dynamic Construction Proximity Applications,” International Road Federation Global Road Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Nov. 7-9, 2018.  

21. Sakhakarmi, S., Choi, J. O., Park, J., “Business Case Process for Accelerated Bridge Construction,” International Road Federation Global Road Conference,  Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Nov. 7-9, 2018.  

20. Cho, C., Park, J., Kim, K., Sakhakarmi, S., “Machine Learning for Real-time Safety Condition Assessment of Scaffolds,” Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), Berlin, Germany, July 20-25, 2018. (BEST PAPER AWARDED),

19. Cho, C., Sakhakarmi, S., Kim, K., Park, J., “Scaffolding Modeling for Real-Time Monitoring using a Strain Sensing Approach,” Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), Berlin, Germany, July 20-25, 2018.,

18. Cho, C., Park, J., Kim, K., “Multi-Physics Simulation of Microwave Energy for curing Cement-based Materials,” Construction Research Congress, (2018), Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

17. Akhuli, M., Cho, C., , Park, J., Kim, K., “Automated Generation of Optimal Steel Sequences with Discrete Action, Status and Interaction Simulation in BIM,” Construction Research Congress, (2018), Baton Rouge, Louisiana.,

16. Yang, X., Park, J., Cho, Y., (2018) “Adaptive Signal-Processing for BLE Sensors for Dynamic Construction Proximity Safety Applications,” Construction Research Congress, (2018), Baton Rouge, Louisiana.,

15. Cho, C., Sakhakarmi, S., Park, J., Shrestha, P., (2017) “Automated RSSI-Based Tracking Sensor Deployment Using Electromagnetic Simulation,” 5th Seoul International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, December 5-7, 2017.

14. Park, J., Cho, Y., (2017) “Performance Analysis of a Probabilistic Local Search Algorithm for Indoor Tracking,” 2017 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (pp.43-50), June 25-27, Seattle, WA.,

13. Park, J., Cho, Y. K. “Use of a Mobile BIM Application Integrated with Asset Tracking over a Cloud,” 21st International Conference on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, Hong Kong, Dec. 14-16, 2016 (Outstanding Paper Award).

12. Wang, C., Park, J., and Cho, Y. (2016) “Innovative System Design for Road Pavement Crack and Joint Maintenance,” Geo-China 2016: pp. 188-195.

11. Park, J., Cho, Y. K., Kim, K. “Field Construction Management Application through Mobile BIM and Location Tracking Technology,” Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), Auburn, Alabama, July 18-21, 2016.

10. Park, J., Cho, Y. K., Simalsina, S. K. “Direction Aware Bluetooth Low Energy Based Proximity Detection System for Construction Work Zone Safety,” Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), Auburn, Alabama, July 18-21, 2016.

9. Park, J., Kim, K., Cho, Y. K. “Using BIM Geometric Properties for BLE-based Indoor Location Tracking,” 4th Seoul International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, July 5-7, 2016.

8. Park, J., Cho, Y. K., Ahn, C. R. “A Wireless Tracking System Integrated with BIM for Indoor Construction Applications,” Construction Research Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 31 – June 2, 2016 (pp. 2660-2668), doi: 10.1061/9780784479827.265.

7. Park, J., Cho, Y., Suryanto, W. (2015) “Cost-Effective Wireless Technology for Construction Management Applications,” 2015 UKC Conference Proceedings Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, July 29 – 31, Atlanta, GA.

6. Park, J., Marks, E., Cho, Y., Suryanto, W. (2015) “Mobile Proximity Sensing Technologies for Personnel and Equipment Proximity Sensing in Work Zones,” 2015 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (pp. 41-48), June 21-23, Austin, TX, doi: 10.1061/9780784479247.006.

5. Park, J., Marks, E., Cho, Y., Suryanto, W. (2015) “Bluetooth Low Energy Sensing Technology for Proximity Construction Applications,” 2015 Conference on Autonomous and Robotic Construction of Infrastructure, Iowa State Univ. Aimes, IA.

4. Cho, Y., Li, H., Park, J., and Zheng, K. (2015) “A Framework for Cloud-based Energy Evaluation and Management for Sustainable Decision Support in the Built Environments,” 2015 International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction (ICSDEC), Chicago, May 10-13, 2015.

3. Wang, C., Cho, Y., Park, J. (2014) “Rapid Construction Equipment Operation Visualization to Improve Safety and Productivity,” UKC2014, US-Korea Conference, August 6-9, San Francisco, CA.

2. Wang, C., Cho, Y. K., Park, J. W. (2014) “Performance Tests for Automatic 3D Geometric Data Registration Technique for Progressive As-Built Construction Site Modeling,” InComputing in Civil and Building Engineering (2014) (pp. 1053-1061). ASCE.

1. Cho, Y., Wang, C., Gai, M., Park, J. (2014) “Rapid Dynamic Target Surface Modeling for Crane Operation Using Hybrid LADAR System,” Construction Research Congress, Atlanta, GA, pp. 1053-1063.

Other presentations

2. Tamaddun, K., Park, J., Kalra, A., Ahmad, S. (2018). Hydro-climatological and Socio-economic Predictors for Water Demand Forecasting Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. American Geophysical Union (AGU), Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 10-14.
1. Tamaddun, K., Park, J., Kalra, A., Ahmad, S. (2018). Demand Forecasting Using an Intelligent Model: A Study for Las Vegas. WaterSmart Innovations, Las Vegas, NV October 2-5.
Last updated 7/8/2020